% This file is part of the NFSS (New Font Selection Scheme) package. % ------------------------------------------------------------------ \def\filedate{92/09/20} IMPORTANT NOTICE: Don't change this file. This file contains problem records, bug reports, and history notes. Unsolved problems and uncorrected but known bugs (so called features) start out with two exclamation marks before the number. Fixed problems will start with two asterisks. ** (1) FMi 90/04/05: \process@table will never be called in the letter style, or more exactly in any style that redefines \document. This means that you can't use math alphabet identifiers in letters. This is a problem of the upgrade to LaTeX 2.10 and will vanish then. A fix for LaTeX 2.09 styles is to insert \process@table immediately before \def\do .... inside any redefinition of the \document command. FMi 91/09/28: corrected with the new release of LaTeX 2.09 from 91/12/01 ** (2) FMi 90/04/05: \makelabels in letter will cause an error because \xpt is redefined to \@preamerr after \document. FMi 90/06/03: Fixed by redefining \xpt inside \xpt. (v1.1j lfonts.doc) !! (3) FMi 90/04/05: Problems similar to (1) will be encountered in style files that redefine internals like \@outputpage, etc. ** (4) SPQR 90/05/22: In oldlfont.sty and newlfont.sty we forgot to add the lasy math alphabet identifier to the math versions. FMi 90/05/24: fixed. ** (5) MDo 90/06/08: An \hbox{\small ...} in vertical mode will be placed into the vertical list using the \baselineskip current inside the box not the one outside the box. Temp. fix: use extra braces to keep the change from \small local. Final fix will move part of the code from \gbl@settings into \selectfont. FMi 90/06/24: fixed. ** (6) DH 90/06/18: \hbox instead of \mbox was used in \text. FMi 90/06/24: fixed. ** (7) DH 90/06/29: oldlfont.sty shouldn't be read in twice to avoid math group overflow. FMi 90/06/29: fixed. ** (8) MDo 90/06/28: \no@font@help message was too long for some version of TeX (buffer size). FMi 90/06/30: fixed by shortening the error message. We recommend increase of buffer size to at least 2000!!!!! ** (9) FMi (long known): In certain cases \addtoversion would produce a misleading error message. RmS 90/06/30: Fixed by adding another error message text. ** (10) MDo 90/07/05: Stupid typo in v1.2l of fam.doc. First assigned user value and then default value in \extra@def. FMi 90/07/05: Fixed by exchanging. ** (11) JBr 90/07/06: Another stupid typo in v1.2i of oldlfont.sty where a necessary \fi was preceded by %. FMi 90/07/06: Fixed by removing the percent. ** (12) FMi 90/07/07: While changing the interface a few days ago I forgot to remove a \the\toks@ in \define@mathgroup. This enlarged the versions by a power of two resulting in some loss of performance. FMi: fixed five minutes later. ** (13) DH 90/07/10: In fam.doc a missing percent in \sub@fontshape could produce an extra space if a font is loaded in horizontal mode. FMi 90/07/11: fixed. ** (14) MDo 90/07/10: Used \ifx\undefined\ds@oldlfont instead of \@ifundefined{ds@oldlfont} so that oldlfont was never loaded in a \documentstyle command. (Another of those stupid things) FMi 90/07/11: Fixed. ** (15) RmS 90/09/02: Fix for (14) was incorrect since \@ifundefined is not available before latex.tex is loaded. FMi 90/09/02: Fixed by inserting its definition directly. ** (16) FMi 90/10/02: Dr. David Love reported that \paragraph{Test} {\sl AB} would produce a bold slanted heading the newlfont option. This is actually not an error of the font selection scheme but a problem with LaTeX 2.09. If the newlfont option is used, it is necessary that at some places in a style file all font parameters are specified. Currently the LaTeX styles specify only \normalsize \bf in headings. In this case one has to reset the wrong font parameter by hand, e.g., \paragraph{\normalshape Test} in the case above. As similar problem will arise when a footnote is encountered during the scope of \sf etc. This problem will vanish with the new LaTeX. FMi 91/09/28: corrected with the new release of LaTeX 2.09 ** (17) DH 90/10/04: It seems better to substitute cmti for cmu fonts which are not available since this font is mainly used for the \pound symbol. (Who likes to get pounds converted to dollars in a footnote?) FMi 90/10/09: Changed. ** (18) FMi 90/10/12: FJe reported that changes to \baselinestretch in the preamble do not affect the setting of \baselineskip. FMi 90/10/12: Fixed by forcing a reinitialisation in \begin{document} ** (19) DWu 91/03/03: The combination of twoside, \pagestyle{headings} and newlfont.sty results in slanted page numbers on every second page. This is again the result of mixing LaTeX 2.09 styles with the font selection scheme. Temp. fix: delimit the scope of \sl in the heading macros with an extra set of braces. The standard styles will be updated soon. FMi 91/09/28: corrected with the new release of LaTeX 2.09 !! (20) WKa 91/03/07: \process@table will never be called in the letter style, or more exactly in any style that redefines \document. This means that you can't use newlfont.sty within such document styles without adding the fix mentioned in (1). ** (21) SLe 91/03/25: \$ no longer worked as superscript in math. Fixed 91/03/27 FMi: added extra braces around definition. Did the same for \pounds and \copyright. ** (22) FMi 91/03/30: The file install.tex was added to the distribution. It describes the generation of a new format in more detail and is processable with the old LaTeX. The file fontsel.tex was changed so that it is processable without the NFSS running. ** (23) FMi 91/03/30: Definitions of \newfont and \symbol added to newlfont.sty and basefont.tex. The use of this functions is not encouraged but was provided because the NFSS still misses a proper interface for these features. ***** FMi 91/09/28: Set of small changes to use the features offered by a new release of LaTeX 2.09. NFSS will check whether or not it runs under the new LaTeX release and will issue an error if not during initex to inform people that there is a newer version of LaTeX around. \xpt got undefined then. ** (24) RmS 91/11/10: \reset@font should be protected against expansion. FMi 91/11/21: corrected. ** (25) RmS 91/11/21: LaTeX fonts should start with `l'. FMi 91/11/21: corrected. ** (26) RmS 91/11/22: euscript.sty does not work without amstex.sty option. FMi 91/11/22: Missing code added. ** (27) FMi 91/11/26: The AMS removed eufm14.mf and eufb14.mf from their font distribution. For this reason fontdef.max was changed. ** (28) RBa 91/05: \series etc. should get different names because they may be used in mathematical work. FMi 91/11/27: Changed to \fontfamily, \fontseries, \fontshape and \fontsize. Old names are still supported but shouldn't be used any longer. ** (29) FMi 91/12/02: The file preload.med was renamed to preload.xpt to to reflect its purpose namely to preload 10pt font metrics. ** (30) BRa 91/12/29: Forgotten \size in basefont.tex and \newlfont.sty. Changed to \fontsize. ** (31) FMi 91/12/29: Check for NFSS in oldlfont and newlfont styles added, so that execution stops with an error message if NFSS is not loaded. Suggested by BRa. !! (32) FMi 92/01/24: Local style files that directly use \halign need to surround the column marks in the preamble with a set of braces. Otherwise surprising errors can occur when a size change happens within such a table. This change is otherwise not changing the processing of the macros since each column is already according to TeX rules implicitly surrounded by braces. Example: \halign{{#}\hfil\quad&\hfil{#}\hfil\cr...} not \halign{#\hfil\quad&\hfil#\hfil\cr...} !! (33) FMi 92/02/09: Using tracefnt.sty with \tracingfonts>2 may result in errors inside tabular material. Since this is more or less only a tracing tool we probably won't fix this bug soon. ** (34) FMi 92/02/09: Neither (27) nor (21) have been completely corrected. Missing code added. ** (35) FMi 92/02/09: \subst@fontshape changed so that the correct font (i.e. the substituted one) is shown in overfull box messages and other places. ** (36) FMi 92/03/21: Macro \text was renamed to \nfss@text to make it internal because people complained that the name is too common. The style file amstext.sty will redefine this to behave like the \text macro in amstext. This means that people who wish to use \text the way it was before need to load amstext.sty in the \documentstyle command. ** (37) FMi 92/05/11: \subst@fontshape for cmr/bx/u added to make a \pounds come out right in situations like {\bf\pounds} Hopefully dc/ec font layout will come soon. Problem reported by AJe. ** (38) JTr 92/02/12: $\script{A} \boldsymbol{\script {A}}$ resulted in both ``script alphabet'' characters becoming bold. Fixed 92/5/12 RmS. ** (39) ROl 92/05: The use of a size command inside a moving argument causes an error when oldlfont is inforce Fixed 92/7/1 FMi with v1.3d of oldlfont. ** (40) PTa 92/06: \cal and \mit became \relax in toc file if not preceded by a \protect. Fixed 92/7/1 FMi: with v1.2e of lfonts.new. ** (41) Aje 92/06: with oldlfont in force the use of \rmdefault etc did not really work because size commands switch back to default fonts hardwired into fontdef.xxx Changed 92/7/1 FMi: with v1.3d of oldlfont. ** (42) NPa 92/07/18: changing \rmdefault in the preamble doesn't change the base font characteristics of the whole document. Fixed 92/07/18 FMi: with v1.1i of latint. ** (43) FJe 92/08/17: math sizes for 7pt are wrong and should be 7/5/5. Fixed 92/08/19 FMi: with v1.1e of setsize. ** (44) FJe 92/08/17: double substitution using \subst@fontshape doesn't work. Fixed 92/08/19 FMi: with v1.3d of fam. ** (45) RKe 92/08/19: In nfss the command \@currsize is not set by the standard size changing commands. This is used, for example, by a style option implementing relative size changes. Fixed 92/09/01 FMi: changed definition of \@setsize to include an assignment to \@currsize. However, this assignment is *not* carried out when the size changing command is used un\protected in a moving argument to keep the size changing commands robust. ** (46) FJe 92/09/03: Combination of substitution and math loading produced weird error. Fixed 92/09/03 FMi: with v1.3e of fam. ** (47) FJe 92/09/07: Since a warning is given for every size when a font substitution happens it is better to include the size into the warning message. Fixed 92/09/07 FMi: with v1.3f of fam. ** (48) UFu 92/09/07: Change (31) resulted in oldlfont.sty being no longer loadable at IniTeX time. Fixed 92/09/07 RmS: with v1.3f of oldlfont. ** (49) FMi 92/09/20: To avoid incorrect output in cases like $\bf x$ under newlfont.sty or basefont.tex all `text-font commands', eg \sf, \tt, \sl, etc. will generate an error message when used in math mode. Up to now the command was silently ignored. At the same time the math alphabets \mathbf and \mathsf have been added. ** (50) BRa ???: Changing only \baselinestretch has no effect. Fixed 92/09/24 RmS: with v1.3h of fam and v1.0s of tracefnt. The good guys and dolls mentioned in this file: RBa Rosemary Bailey JBr Johannes Braams MDo Michael Downes UFu Ulrich Fuchs DH Don Hosek WKa Wolfgang Kaspar RKe Ronan Keryell FJe Frank Jensen AJe Alan Jeffrey SLe Silvio Levy FMi Frank Mittelbach ROl Roque Donizete de Oliveira NPa Neil Patterson SPQR Sebastian Rahtz BRa Bernd Raichle RmS Rainer Sch\"opf PTa Paul Taylor JTr Jon Trowbridge DWu Dominik Wujastik